For the new chocolate brand ‘Hello’, BLUT Conceptual Audio Design was asked to create the entire acoustic ID.

For the new chocolate brand ‘Hello’, BLUT Conceptual Audio Design was asked to create the entire acoustic ID.

Based on the slogan ‘We are Hello’, BLUT started out with composing the iconic music for the first TV-Spot. After an internal pitch that provided Lindt and agency Track with a multitude of options, composer Sebastian Zenke was chosen to fine tune his layout. The music features a strong guitar-hook and indie/dance feel that corresponds with the hip attitude of the product, resonates with the target audience and is highly recognisable.

For the soundlogo, the line ‘We are Hello’ was extracted, providing a fresh approach to the subject. True to the word ‘sound’, the logo is not melody based, but transports the catchline without being ‘cheesy’ or hard sell. The voices are young and seem to be set in a street or club situation and not in a studio. This adds to the authenticity of the claim.

The ‘Hello’ brand music was installed at all possible touchpoints, providing flexibility and identity at the same time. Here are two examples:

For a special promotion, BLUT re-arranged the original composition with composer John Engehausen to fit the demands of a more product oriented commercial. Again, the key ingredients, guitar-hook and shouted vocals proved to be strong enough to maintain recognition while being adjustable enough to function even in this stripped down version.