The pitch of a note is defined by its frequency, which is the speed a material vibrates, or to use a more musical term, 'swings'.

The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength.

Already the greek mathematician Pythagoras knew that wavelength correlates to physical length — for example, the shorter the string on a guitar, the higher the pitch.

The pitch of a note is defined by its frequency, which is the speed a material vibrates, or to use a more musical term, 'swings'

The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength

Already the greek mathematician Pythagoras knew that wavelength correlates to physical length — for example, the shorter the string on a guitar, the higher the pitch.

So music can be measured in milimeters.
What if we applied this principle to a brand?
What if we created the musical message on the very material a brand identifies with?

Most of the SCHÜCO products did not produce notes. But we found a product, that gave off a musical sound, roughly resembling a vibraphone: the framework that most of SCHÜCO's façade panelings are hung from.

We measured the frequencies the material gave off and calculated the exact length each note of a musical scale had to be.

In their workshop, SCHÜCO engineers were able to cut the framework to the micrometer.

Out of these pieces artist Nicolas Baginsky created the SCHÜCO Phon.

Every BLUT Conceptual Audio Design project starts with an in-depth analysis of the company.

Together with SCHÜCO we defined the brand values and identified specific notes for each of these key terms:

The ground note for strong.

The fifth for simple.

The third for client-oriented.

The fourth for sophisticated.

The seventh for innovative.

Together they create a melody, that combine SCHÜCO's brand values in a 5-note theme:

The ›SCHÜCO Pulse‹.

We used the SCHÜCO Phon to record this Pulse, resulting in the SCHÜCO Soundlogo.

Before applying the SCHÜCO Pulse to multiple touchpoints, we employed our worldwide network of composers and musicians to create a blueprint for the different styles and genres needed to represent the SCHÜCO corporate audio design in various situations. We called this "The Masterpiece".

Here are some examples for these situations and touchpoints.


